The name of this blog is the title of an AC/DC song I was listening to while I was writing it. It will make sense as you read on, trust me.
Summer (especially in Minnesota) is always difficult for
Dojo attendance. Everyone has somewhere
to go or wants to spend as much time at the lake as they can before we get
buried in snow again.
That’s fine I understand, and that created some unique
learning opportunities. Lise is very
dedicated and has been at every class this summer. Many times class turned into private
instruction. Because of that Lise has
shown dramatic improvement over the last few weeks. Lise has always been very skilled but recently
she has thrown, hit, locked, and strangled me on a consistent basis, in a
manner that made me realize holy shit she could fucking kill me.
Awesome, great for her!
So how do I get other 5’ nothing one hundred and nothing pound 50
something grandmothers to be able to kill me (a dead sexy man ape)?
Able to kill me – sparked an idea, so bear with me.
Last blog I promised to pick up with reps for mastery and
cross over skills. But, this how to kill
me idea is stuck in my head and I have to get it on paper. So this blog will largely be stream of
consciousness thought process on predatory violence (killing me) to help me
answer my own question.
I hope it may also help you
Asocial Violence
Humans are social creatures and have subconscious rules for
social violence. We are also hunters and
capable of killing prey. We are fairly
unique in that we can use the tools and tactics that we developed to hunt prey
to kill other humans
Asocial violence does not see the victim as a person but
rather a resource (a different species to be hunted). By the time you face a predator attack you
must understand that the predator has decided what ever you have (or the attack
itself) is more important than you. Who
you are carries no more emotional weight than the wrapper a hamburger came in.
A predator will use tactics he has developed to get what he
wants from you in the safest surest manor.
This is in no way a “fair fight”.
The predator will take every advantage using speed, surprise and
ferocity to prevent you from responding in any way that could be effective in
stopping him.
Predator Types
For the process predator, the act of violence is the reason
itself. The Crime is the goal
Requires time and privacy to “enjoy” the process / act of
Will attempt to isolate victim
Home Invasion (comes to you)
Secondary Crime scene (takes you someplace somewhere else)
A resource predator wants something you have and will use
violence to take it from you
A resource predator situation can be resolved by giving up
what you have Car , Purse Wallet
(Are they worth dying for?)
A resource predator uses violence to make money
For all intents and purposes I am a
resource predator.
I provide for my family by using
I am a professional, because I am a
professional I understand that if I am injured, killed, or incarcerated I can
no longer provide for my family.
Therefore, I have become very skilled
at violence, and very knowledgeable about the laws pertaining to the use of
importantly I have become very skilled at accomplishing the requisites of my
job without using violence whenever possible
See, I told you I would tie it in, that’s what I do for
money honey that’s how I get my kicks
Because of that, my operational method has to be predatory
by nature. I have to end the encounter
quickly, the most efficient way possible. (Over in 3)
Don’t get me wrong.
I’m not suggesting anyone should be unjust. Even when there are “no rules” there are
state and federal laws, departmental policies, personal morals and ethics, and
societal rules.
I’m suggesting that you need to know all of those well, and
when force ( violence) is just use the most efficient means to end the
confrontation as quickly as possible
You and your partners go home safe
Bad guy goes to jail (uninjured if possible) or the hospital
then jail, or the morgue (if not)
No one gets sued….successfully
If my operational method is predatory by nature, then what I
teach others is logically predatory as well.
There may be similar techniques in sport or traditional arts
but the tactics used and the way they are taught are vastly different
Sport arts by their very nature have to give the opponent a
“sporting chance”
To help make my point let’s look at a predatory sport –
pheasant hunting
The end goal is to kill pheasants, It is a sport because the
hunters make it hard work. There are
much more efficient means to kill pheasants.
Setting traps, Poison, Pheasant farms – domestic slaughter, Automatic
The same analogy can be made for sport arts.
It is a sport because it is hard work. You have to give the opponent a sorting
chance. Weight classes, separate
brackets for the different genders, different age categories etc, all to make
things as fair as possible.
Skill is demonstrated by gaining dominance over someone in
the same “class” using ineffective methods.
Very social violence oriented
Look at this video
featuring martial athletes at the peak of their sport the Olympic Games:
As good as these athletes are Lise could literally kill
them. Not beat them at their own game,
but efficiently end their lives with her bare hands
I’m not hating on sport arts. A lot of very important things can only be
learned safely by “stepping in the ring”
So how does asocial violence / predatory tactics allow Lise
to Kill me?
Sports make things harder in order to demonstrate skill by
doing those difficult things, against an actively resisting opponent, in a fair
competition with specific rules.
When you remove the sportsmanship and use the most efficient
methods things become much easier
Allowing small statured people to control those outside
their weight class
To further illustrate my point, let’s imagine a UFC style
match pitting Rhonda Rousey vs. Brock Lesner
Both athletes are incredibly skilled and have a long list of
impressive championships to their names.
I would even go so far as to say that Rhonda is vastly more
skilled than Brock in MMA, but in a sport match, a fair fight she wouldn’t
stand a chance.
So where am I going with this blog? How do I get other 5’ nothing one hundred and
nothing pound 50 something grandmothers to be able to kill me (a dead sexy man
Fuck fair fights, fuck sportsmanship - get that out of their
A saw a great t-shirt from a tactical shooting school that
helps sell this point. The back of the
shirt read “Cheat often – Always WIN!”
Cheat for the purposes of this blog meaning not getting
sucked into a fair fight mindset.
Being free of that mentality is far more valuable than any
physical technique
If you are paid to use violence you too are a resource
predator. There is no room for fair
fights you have to end the confrontation as efficiently as possible.
Social violence in which sport arts and sport mentalities
work well is the easiest to avoid and besides being illegal is really just kind
of silly
If you are attacked by a predator, the kind of violence a 5’
nothing one hundred and nothing pound woman is more likely to face than a dead
sexy man ape, then you have to cheat, win, and end the confrontation as efficiently
as possible.
I bet every hardass Military, Cop, Martial Arts Man reading
this would have a hard time if ambushed by surprise by Brock Lesner. Yet that discrepancy in size, strength, and
ferocity is what every woman faces with every man they encounter.
What physical skills can you teach that can overcome that discrepancy?
Very few if any, that is just the thing – the answer lies somewhere
Physical skills have to be a last resort, and they have to
be on the deep end of the use of force continuum
So if physical skills are the last resort what is first?
Knowledge, mental and psychological aspects have to come
A thorough knowledge of state and federal use of force laws must
come first. Knowing when force is justified. Knowledge of yourself, knowing how much force
you are willing to use when justified, and giving yourself permission to use it
– free of any fair fight sporting chance bullshit.
Knowing violence
dynamics- the difference between social and asocial violence, and how to best
deal with each.
Avoidance, escape and
evade, de-escalation and lastly solid proven predatory tactics (physical
A case in point, a success story from the news – look at Lise’s
latest blog.
That woman didn’t use any (or if any very little and
untrained) physical skills.
Knowledge, mental and psychological aspects saved the
day. “Cheat often – Always WIN!”
Don’t get me wrong women still need physical skills, but don’t
waste their (or your) time with stuff that only works in their weight class
against women of a similar age.
Fuck fair fights,
fuck sportsmanship - get that out of their head.
Don’t “empower’” them to believe they are Buffy or Wonder Woman

I am big fans of both, but as cool as they are they are
fiction. Murphy’s 1st law of
combat “you are not Superman”. Empowering
women to believe they are “super” will get them killed.
Spend much more time on Knowledge, mental and psychological
aspects. Then help them learn to see “bad
guys” as a collection of anatomical weaknesses to be exploited (predatory /
Operator mindset).
Not on could I take him, but what is the best way to end
Work on physical skills that exploit these weaknesses, very
high end use of force skills to end the attacker / the confrontation
quickly. Including the use of close
quarters weapons, edged weapons, fire arms ect.
They will never be able to out muscle a predatory attacker
so they will need to throughly understand “The Building codes” or what makes
physical skills work:
Subtle power generation
They will need to gain competence, confidence and belief in
their skills.
Which brings us back to last blog, how is this
accomplished? How many reps until
mastery? How do you achieve cross over
skill integration
Stay tuned I promise I will get to those topics soon.
OK, I hope you enjoyed going through my thought process on
how to create more Lises and maybe you even learned something.
I’m very proud of Lise.
Now my challenge as a teacher is to take what I’ve learned from training
Lise and provide it to others so they too can kill me. This blog has been an attempt to figure out
how to do that in a more efficient manner than I did with Lise.
I’m lucky I have Lise to help me with them as she can lead
by example.
Train hard, Train smart, Be safe - “Cheat often – Always WIN!”
P.S. there will be no training this Saturday because I will
be at the lake, totally not because my neck hurts like hell on account of Lise
choking the shit out of me.

See, I told you an ambush by Brock Lesner is hard to deal with
I am saying it again: it is and has been a privilege to work, play, fight, learn with you. Thanks for all your help. Your dedication is remarkable. You lead the way for a whole new generation of warriors.
OK... head fog from too many awesome chokes is finally clearing... You really did hit the nail on the head. Coming from a sport background and being a mother (you know all that nurturing instinct stuff), it was hard for me to grasp that predator concept. But fighting the way I knew how, always got my ass kicked against you. Very frustrating and placing seeds of doubts in my skills against a real predator.
ReplyDeleteBut like Rory so eloquently said "You don't fight a gorilla, you shoot him". I started paying closer attention to the true mental aspect compiled with good body mechanics.
Thanks to your patience and skills as a teacher, we finally broke through the mental barrier... what can I say.. the older one gets, the tougher it is to create new neural pathways :)
To all the gentlemen out there that teach women... TAKE A PAGE OFF KASEY"S BOOK!!!!! You are NOT doing them any favor otherwise!!!
Hi thank you for sharing this, I'm a police volunteer/ auxiliary police based in Jakarta and agree that as good as sport/ arts are great to build physical attributes etc. real self protection is all about avoiding the fight or if forced to ending it as soon as possible
ReplyDeleteThank you sir
Hey Kasey. I enjoyed reading your article. I always try to read your stuff when I get the time. Although I agree overall with what are saying here, I disagree that the combat sports are the problem. I feel that people think it is an either/or type of situation when it doesn't have to be.
ReplyDeleteI feel that the skills gained in combat sports can be very effective for self defence. But you cannot fight a predator like you would in the octagon. Combat sports provide the base from which to build on.
I wanted to extent a courtesy to let you know I have written my own post explaining my reasons. Of course I want to let you have the opportunity to reply. It is the newest post at my site
Feel free to delete this comment I tried to find a contact page but couldn't.
Adam, I agree with you. Sport arts can be a great base for anyone's - lets's call it personal defense platform. Plus you gain knowledge of moving bodies that don't want to be moved. All very good stuff. Hell, look at how many systems are based off a Judo alone. I hope the blog didn't imply that I don't respect sport systems. I also agree that you can't fight a predator like you would in the octagon. The rub lies (and this goes back to last blog) in that if the majority of someone's training is in sport, I feel it will be very hard to switch to "combat", same is true of traditional martial arts as well. Look at the dead cops with brass in their pocket. They too thought under pressure they would switch from range shooting mode to combat mode. I find a useful approach is to spend a majority of time on the realities conflict and use the of sport arts as drills to test against pressure, for endurance, and because they are fun. But in doing so you have to know drill is just a game to sharpen one aspect of the whole. Sport arts evolved from the drill becoming the only thing taught.
ReplyDeleteHey Kasey, thanks for your response. It seems we agree more than disagree. Like range shooting, it is a vital step towards more realistic training. Conducting full scenarios force on force without constantly going back to the range is a mistake. Same as doing realistic scenarios without keeping that "base" skillset will develop a loose capability.
ReplyDeleteYour methods of harnessing modern drills with a focus on realistic self defence skills sounds like a great methodology!