The Chinese use the same word for challenge and
opportunity. Well, that is not actually
true but it’s one of those things that is said over and over so often that
everyone thinks it’s true.
The challenge I faced recently is that the department is
short three Patrol Officers. Kind of
like every Marine is a Rifleman, every Officer is a Patrolman (or woman). So I am back on patrol for a few months. No big deal I always kind of liked
patrol. The challenge was making sure I
still got all of my training in. That
challenge also created some new training opportunities.
Before we get to the new stuff lets review where I am coming
from. If you will recall the super
soldier project, which trans-morphed into Batman by 40. One of the requisites was training I can do
in the morning before work, that increases cardio vascular stamina, works
specifics combative skill sets, and doesn't lead to over training when combined
with strength training and running.
For strength training I like to do a whole body suspension
body weight circuit along with skill specific training. Looks something like this:
Saturday – Strength & Fundamental Motions Tabata
Monday – Strength & Nage Waza (Throwing Techniques)
Wednesday – Strength and Kansetsu Waza (Joint Locks)
I also run three times a week
Friday – Distance
Sunday – Sprints and Plyometrics
Tuesday – Interval training
My usual schedule is Monday through Thursday 0630 – 1630. Thursdays are almost always tactical training
days so I made that my rest day (sometimes a not so much rest day depending on
the training). So that meant I needed
three (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) A.M. training workouts.
Monday – Atemi Waza (Striking) A heavy bag and jump rope
Tuesday – Fundamental Motions Plyometrics. Tabata training explosive fundamental motions
against the resistance of plyobands. A
longer more intense version of what I do after strength training on Saturdays
Wednesday – Kenjutsu
Even Fridays I got extra training combining elements of
Wednesday and Monday.
With the new schedule I work Saturday, Sunday, Monday every
other week and on Fridays the opposite week.
So I needed some new A.M. workouts
I didn't want to just recycle the workouts I already do to
prevent boredom and repetitive use over training. So, I needed to develop training that fit my
Batman by 40 criteria, and covered other aspects of combatives
Physical Skills Platform (Aspects of Combatives)
A use of force continuum is an
example of rules of engagement found in most Law Enforcement agencies’ use of force policies.
Here is an example of a use of
force continuum
Physical Fitness
Awareness* situational
awareness program
Verbal commands
Communication Skills
Contact Controls
Touching or Seizing the
Escort Compliance
Standing Controls
Pain Compliance
Joint Locks
Compliance Techniques
“Soft Hands”
Take Downs
Disabling Techniques
“Hard Hands”
Impact Techniques
Striking / Kicking
Potentially Lethal Force
3 – 5 – 7
Weapons Techniques
If you are going to employ your
martial arts skills in the professional use of force you must assure that your
own personal style covers all these aspects.
All Operators have to have
skill sets at all levels of force. I
like to use this model as a frame work for operators to develop their own
operational style.
Most of that is covered with my current training except for Pins
(Osae Komi) and weapon techniques.
So I combined elements of the offensive ground work class I
teach and transitions into different shooting positions into a workout.
But that’s not what this blog is about. Maybe the details of that training and what
I’ve learned from it will be the topic for a different day.
The title of the blog is swinging big wood. Sexual innuendo aside what I’m talking about
is Suburi.
Specifically how to get a good work out that improves skills
applicable to 21st century combatives from swing a big sword around.
Suburi is a Japanese word for practice swings. Outside of Japan , the word is used exclusively
for repetitive individual cutting exercises used in Japanese martial arts such
as kendo, aikido, iaidō, and kenjutsu.
I like Suburi but I needed to switch it up from practice
swings to incorporate more fundamental motions.
I have been very fortunate with the Kenjutsu training I
received in that it tied directly back to the principles of what made empty
hand techniques work. Now, if I can find
the sword in the motion then I know the technique no matter what the style.
Most combatives can be traced back one way or another to
Jujutsu. Jujutsu can be traced back to
the noto techniques of Kenjutsu. So it
stands to reason that the fundamentals of the foundation would be universal to
anything that came from it.
I train fundamental motions so often because they apply to
all aspects of combatives.
If you boil it down there really only so many ways to move
in relation to another person
Lateral (Yoko
Circular (Tenkan)
Opening (Hiraki)
Entering (Irimi)
Direct Entry (Shomen
To the rear (Ura)
No matter what the weapon, no matter what the art, no matter
what combative aspect within that art in fits within one of those six general
Cops don’t want to learn a bunch of Japanese terms so when
Jimerfield Sensei teaches cops he assigns numbers to the motions.
Lateral (Yoko
Sabaki) 1 & 2
Circular (Tenkan) 3 & 4
Opening (Hiraki) 5 & 6
He took that from his training in Nihon Jujutsu.
That is cool but it didn't explain other motions that have
worked for me. So in the training I
provide I added
Entering (Irimi) 7
& 8
Direct Entry (Shomen
Irimi) 9 & 10
To the rear (Ura) 0
There is a saying in Judo – When pushed, pull – when pulled,
push. Similarly in Aikido the saying
goes when pushed open when pulled enter.
These ideas / motions complement or cancel each other.
Push / Enter Pull
/ Open
Circular (Tenkan) Opening
Entering (Irimi) Lateral (Yoko Sabaki)
Direct Entry (Shomen Irimi) To
the rear (Ura)
What makes fundamental motions so cool is that they are universally applicable
Those motions are also what makes Kenjutsu work.
Ok, ok, you may be asking how does this apply to suburi specifically and working out in general?
Suburi training usually consists of standing still and doing a few cuts. Not great for drilling specific useful motions, more just a warm up or a work out for arms and shoulders.
However, if you use the complimentary motion principle and work opposing motions together you get all the benifits of regular suburi training, plus fundamental motions training, plus good cardio vascular effect because you are constntly moving.
The next part might get a little inside baseball but bear with me take the principles and apply them to any weapons training that you may do.
The Suburi I do now looks like this
7 8 Entering 2 1 Lateral Motion
3 4 Circular 6 5 Opening
9 10 Direct Entry 0 -1 Enemy
to the rear
2 1 Lateral Motion 7 8 Entering
6 5 Opening 3 4 Circular
9 10 Direct Entry 0 -1 Enemy
to the rear
{Side Note - when you add the number assigned to the motion to it's complimentary motion it always adds up to 9.}
Now you may ask is this a coincidence? Isn't 9 sacred to the Ninja? Kasey are you a Ninja?
Of course not there is no historical proof that Ninja ever even existed, much less still operate today. But isn't that exactly what a Ninja would say?
Ok back to the point of the blog...
This motion training not only helps with fitness and Kenjutsu but has positive crossover training effects to empty hand combatives, and firearms skills
It takes about 24 minutes, it's fun, and it kicked my ass.
When you work the complimentary motions together (9) it creates a flow that reminded of Indian Club training.
For those you unfamiliar with club training I paraphrased the following information from
Every workout, there you are, pushing and pulling heavy weights (which is definitely a good thing), but there's more to it than strengthening the muscles alone... You must maintain stronger joints as well.
After all, when you lift weights, you can only lift them in straight lines...but your body moves and functions in a circular manner. This is especially true for the ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder. Think of how many different directions you can move your arm and how few of them you can reach with "weights" alone.
There's no question that the shoulder girdle is by far one of the most movable areas of the body but it is also one of the most fragile. Regardless of how you use your body, it is very important to keep the shoulders strong, loose, and flexible.
But many people never fully develop their natural shoulder girdle mobility and muscular balance. Let me tell you about a simple training technique that will help..
After all, when you lift weights, you can only lift them in straight lines...but your body moves and functions in a circular manner. This is especially true for the ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder. Think of how many different directions you can move your arm and how few of them you can reach with "weights" alone.
There's no question that the shoulder girdle is by far one of the most movable areas of the body but it is also one of the most fragile. Regardless of how you use your body, it is very important to keep the shoulders strong, loose, and flexible.
But many people never fully develop their natural shoulder girdle mobility and muscular balance. Let me tell you about a simple training technique that will help..

In time, European immigrants brought Indian Club training to American shores. Club swinging was adopted into American school physical education programs and military physical readiness training.
In the early 20th century, many students began their day with a few minutes of club swinging to wake up mind and body.
Utilizing a series of graceful swinging movements, Indian Club training was a simple method for individuals to build stronger, healthier bodies while promoting joint integrity and improving strength and overall vitality.
When used correctly the clubs can humble even the strongest of athletes

This is what a suburito looks like.
A suburitō is commonly around 115 cm (45 in) in length, with a mass of 1 kg (2.2 lb). However, these bokuto (wooden swords) can vary widely in size and weight.
Look at this maniac swinging around a railroad tie

So bottom line - Work out. But don't just work out, use your brains. Find training that not only makes you more fit, but also makes you a more skilled combatant.
Physicality has it's limits, but you can always become more efficient and smarter.
Train hard, Train smart, Be safe
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