I have developed a habit of ending class by having the
students circle up and tell everyone one thing they learned. If I did my job at all they have to have
learned at least one thing. Hopefully
they learned a bunch of stuff. If so
they have to say their one favorite thing that they learned.
Last weekend was the USMAA North Central Regional Training
I decided to use this blog to list the favorite things that
I learned
Thursday the focus was on Law Enforcement.
So it was me teaching One On One Control Tactics the way
that I do it all day.
One thing that was very cool was that Omar Ahmad was also
there. Omar has been around One On One
Control Tactics since day one. He was
deeply involved in its development. It
was neat to get his feedback on how I deliver the material.
My one thing? What
did I learn from myself?
The thing about teaching is I learn as much from the
students as they learn from me.
My one thing was confirmation / affirmation of the idea of teaching fundamental
principles that can be adapted and improvised under pressure yields better
results than memorization of specific techniques.
Proof of the pudding is in the eating, and so with his permission,
here is a text I received from Adam after the class:
Travis and I got a few more guys who want to get in on the
next training. I felt like a monkey fucking a football a certain parts of the
day but it was great material and because everything tied together I think I improved
as we progressed. This method of teaching built my confidence in the
techniques. Truly amazing stuff Kasey can't thank you enough. I studied a lot
of stuff and got to train with many great instructors but this is the first
time I felt like I learned a natural fighting style that taught me to fight
like a cop, not a BJJ practitioner, not a TKD practitioner, but a cop faced in
real modern use of force situations. How much does a Steve Jimerfield text book
cost? Where do I send my cash? And are there anymore trainings coming up that
Travis and I can sign up for? Again thank you for your time today?
That text made my day
Friday - This was an opportunity for the younger Instructors (Youngbloods) to teach
I started the day with the practical application of joint locks.
After that Dillon was up with Kyokushin Karate. The focus was on in-fighting showing possible
applications of a particular kata. Naihanchi is what the Okinawan folks call it, Tekki is what Shotokan guys calls it.
My one thing?
K.I.S.S keep it simple stupid. You are not going to be able to implement a
complicated strategy during the stress of interpersonal violence. So get really good at simple strategies. One such strategy we worked with Dillon was
getting off line and delivering elbows.
If the 1st elbow didn’t end the confrontation follow up with
more elbows .
The head is like a bowling ball full of Jell-O. You can’t break the bowling ball, so you need
to scramble the Jell-O.
Next up, straight out of Edmonton Randy King presented
reality based self defense.
If you were to draw a Venn diagram of what I teach and what
Randy teaches there would be a huge middle section of the same stuff with a
small slice on the left for Randy’s background in FMA and Krav and a small slice
on the right for my background in Japanese martial arts and Wrestling.
What was cool for me then was to see how someone presents
very similar materials in a different way.
Randy had some very cool drills that I have shamelessly
stolen and will be incorporating into my counter ambush training.
My one thing?
Confusion and surprise are so similar neurologically that
they go down the same pathways of the brain, or close enough to it so as not to
When a student comes to a counter ambush class, much of the surprise
is removed. You can’t surprise someone
who knows they are going to be surprised.
Well there are ways but not many are morally sound or help
in student retention (both their retention of the material and your school’s retention
of students)
However, you can use confusion drills to artificially replicate
surprise. Just as you can artificially mimic fear and stress response by elevating
the heart rate.
Randy will get the students to ask nonsensical questions about random things and the student
has to answer the question actively while being attacked.
Here you can see Omar asking Randy a random question:
What is the sound of one hand choking?
The correct answer was - gurgle
Dillon and I were up next.
We have been having a lot of fun playing where Judo and Catch Wrestling
are the same thing. Same being said of
Karate and old timey bare knuckle boxing.
So we decided to have an old timey theme to our training block.
Dillon enjoys his ribs tenderized
We called it Cobra Kai-ropractic. Using striking to safely close distance, then
putting on kubi hishigi or what Wrestlers call a neck crank.
My one thing?
A reaffirmation of one of the tenants of Katamedo Jujitsu:
The principles of grappling are constant, as are the skills involved; it is the techniques of applying these skills that holds the potential for the progressive evolution of the sport. A great freestyle wrestler will be able to adapt to sport judo, jujitsu, sambo, capoeira or Greco-Roman wrestling, and vice versa. The principles of the arts are common, only the rules differ. As such, a JuJitsuka must also learn the principles and tenets of atemi waza, or striking, which are common to many traditional arts such as Karate, or boxing.
The principles of grappling are constant, as are the skills involved; it is the techniques of applying these skills that holds the potential for the progressive evolution of the sport. A great freestyle wrestler will be able to adapt to sport judo, jujitsu, sambo, capoeira or Greco-Roman wrestling, and vice versa. The principles of the arts are common, only the rules differ. As such, a JuJitsuka must also learn the principles and tenets of atemi waza, or striking, which are common to many traditional arts such as Karate, or boxing.
Friday ended with Tim Jurgens Sensei demonstrating Kobudo.
My one thing?
How nunchaku were intended to be used, as opposed to how they are shown in popular media.
Saturday was for the guys who taught the guys who taught on Friday (Old Skool)
Q branch started the day with pre-hab, re-hab, injury
prevention, and training longevity.
After 16 hours of getting thumped this class was a God send.
My one thing (3 things actually – hey it’s my blog I’ll do
what I want)
Using motion to prepare for motion
Using foam rollers to “squish out” swelling and inflammation
so new fresh blood can deliver nutrients to the area
Test for change
The next session was Dr. Omar Ahmad’s Jujitsu class.
He focused on guard passes and sweeps. Then drilled those guard passes vs. those
He also worked on progression drills form different
positions. For example from the sweep
you end up having him in Kesa Gatame (like a side head lock pin for Randy who doesn’t
speak Judo). From that position what are
the available high percentage attacks? If they fight off one they hand you another. Take the gift they hand you. It is rare to get the 1st one so
you have to have a chain. Eventually
something will give.
My one thing?
Drills for skills baby!
I really liked what I’ll call the A,B, Avs.Bpattern of
A – Technical (in this case guard passes)
B- Technical (in this case how to sweep from your guard)
Avs.B – Drill
I have discussed on this blog how people learn better
through play, the need for force on force training, and the need for injury
free training. This pattern hits all of
these things and is fun (and gets your heart rate up too)
Gary worked on variations of Osoto Gari (great outer reap or
leg sweep for Randy) If the throw didn’t work it is because they resisted. There are only so many ways a body can resist
being thrown in that manner, all of which hand you a variation of that throw.
Rudnick Sensei also worked on an arm crush that is known as “The
We worked on hitting the Rudenick
from many different positions both in offense and in defense
Rudenick Sensei always picks the best looking guy in the class, then spends the next few hours beating the hell out of him
My one thing?
K.I.S.S part 2 – Adaptability
Better to know a few basic concepts that you can apply under
a wide variety of situations than many techniques that only work under very
specific situations and fail as circumstances change.
The final physical class of the seminar was Goju Ryu Karate
with Dr. Lewinski
Dr. Lewinski used Kururunfa Kata as a platform to work on
power generation and structure.
Dr. Lewinski runs The Force Science Institute and used many
stats from his research to explain particular strategies
My one thing?
I have often said if you are inside striking range no one is
fast enough to employ a defensive strategy successfully (100%)
Dr. Lewinski provided scientific studies confirming this.
Maintain reactionary gap or go on offense as you close range
After we cleaned up and got out of the way of the wedding
planners taking over the space graciously provided by The Mermaid Convention
Center, Randy presented a business for martial arts class.
My one thing?
Stay tuned true believers.
I learned a ton! So much so that
this class deserves a blog of its own.
Or, I might keep these things close to my chest.
If you want
a business consultation you can come to our next seminar, or go visit Randy
For now though I will just say this. I was very successful in the Batman by 40
project. I planned the work then worked
the plan.
Now, for the first time I have developed a smart and
realistic plan business plan.
So I am starting project Wayne by 45, building up Keck
Enterprises to earn enough money to be able to do some truly amazing things.
Last year I broke the Bat, now it is time to break the man,
and make it rain like Bruce Wayne.
Along those lines check out these awesome Keishoukan Dojo
T-Shirts and Hoodies

If you pick up some Keishoukan swag be sure to send me a picture of you wearing it doing something cool in an awesome place. Pictures will be posted on the blog and we will play where in the world is...?
Saturday was capped off by the announcement that I had
earned my teaching certificate in Katamedo Jujitsu.
This too deserves a blog of its own, more to come
Wow what a great day!
After class we went to BW3’s for much deserved chicken wings
and to watch UFC 184
My one thing?
Although the Camp focused on personal protection and
professional use of force, several of the fights were won with stuff we had
just covered in camp.
To mention a few:
Alan Jouban defeated Richard Walsh via KO (elbows that Dillon covered) at 2:19 of Round 1
Ronda Rousey defeated Cat Zingano via submission (armbar that both
Omar and Gary covered ) at 0:14 of Round 1
It was a great Training Camp.
I hope to see all of you there next year
I hope to see all of you there next year

Train hard, train smart, be safe
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